Your donations help us offer more programs that promote social responsibility, environmental sustainability and lasting innovation in architecture through our holistic educational model. Use the form here to make a credit card donation.
Support our student designers as they build in our experimental desert laboratory for their thesis project.
A gift to the Lecture Series helps us continue a long tradition of innovative public discussions and presentations from world renowned designers and visionaries.
Support the next generation of women architects at our school and help to close the gender gap in leadership within the profession
Our pilot project to document the scourge of Black land loss throughout the Southeast and help families navigate the legal rocesses to reclaiming ancestral land ownership.
As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, your gifts to TSOA
are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Our tax ID# is 82-1898299.
Send gifts to TSOA at the following address:
TSOA Development
8776 East Shea Boulevard, #106-601
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Send wire transfers from your bank or brokerage to The School of Architecture.
Be aware that you may be charged a fee for wire transfers.
When you gift appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to
The School of Architecture, you may be able to take advantage of
charitable tax deductions and limit your liability for capital gains taxes.
Include The School of Architecture in your will and estate planning
with the flexibility to make adjustments if circumstances change.
If your employer offers an Employee Matching Gift Program, you can
ask your employer to match donations you make to The School of Architecture.
Call the Development Office at 480-750-4472 or email for help with: